We are the Moldavians
- Important!
- Introduction
- The Moldavian ethnogenesis
- Dictionary
- About the Moldavian language
- The Moldavian Nation
- About the role of Moldavians in the foundation of Romania
- On the role of the moldavian culture in the formation of Romanian culture
- Why are we not Romanian?
- Significant personalities of Moldova
- Encyclopedia of Moldova from А-Z
- Shows
- Catechism
- Civilizations of the Ancient world
The history of Moldova from ancient times to our days
- History of Moldova from ancient times to our days
- “Moldovans - foundation of country”
- Name of Moldova
- From village to voivodship, state
- Social and administrative structure of Moldova
- Moldova from mountains and to sea
- Troubled times
Era of Stephen The Great
- Consolidarea statalităţii moldoveneşti
- Apărătorul Moldovei
- Moldova şi Ungaria
- Moldova şi Polonia
- „Duşmanii creştinătăţii”: otomanii, tătarii
- Ştefan Cel Mare şi Rusia
- Moldova şi Valahia
- Gospodarul Moldovei
- Fondator al istoriografiei moldoveneşti
- Promotor al Artei Monumentale
- Familia lui Ştefan cel Mare
- Cîte limbi vorbea Ştefan cel Mare?
- Domnia şi biserica pravoslavnică
- „Au adus ruşi mulţi…”
- Filosofia Statului Moldovenesc
- Ştefan Legendarul
- Stephanus ille Magnus
- Ştefan cel Mare şi Moldova
- Moldova in the XVI – beginning of the XVII centuries
- Regime of fanariots (1711 – 1821)
- Moldovan culture in the XVIII – beginning of the XIX centuries
- Russian-Turkish wars
- New Moldova in geopolitical projects of epoch
- Moldova in the XIX century
- Moldova in the 20th century
- Hospodars and Heads of State
- Moldavian historical symbols
- National symbols of the Republic of Moldova
- Cetățile Moldovei
- Spiritual pivot of the Moldovan state
- Legislation
- National costume
- Folk art
- Moldo-Slavic literature
- Medieval literature
- Literature of the XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries
- Classical literature of the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries
- Literature in pre-war Bessarabia and literature in Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
- Modern literature
- Literature of post-modernism
- Library of Moldavian literature
- De ce întreaga literatură clasică ”românească” este moldovenească
- Theatre
- Architecture
- Fine art
- Music
- Folk crafts
- Cinema
- National ornament
Holidays and customs
- National events
Folk and religious holidays
- Christmas
- Saint Vasily
- Epiphany
- The Cathedral of the forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
- The Holy Martyress Tatiana
- The feast of worship honest chains Holy and praised Apostle Peter
- Saint Gregory The Theologian
- The Synaxis of the Universal teachers and hierarchs Basil the Great, Gregory the theologian and John Chrysostom
- The Holy Martyr Trifon
- Saint Valentine
- The Presentation Of The Lord
- The Holy Рarlampi or the Day of Plague
- Dragobete
- The Holy Kasyan
- The Holy 40 martyrs of Sebastia
- The monk Alexis, the man of God
- Annunciation Day
- Palm Sunday
- Easter
- Blessed Easter (Pashtele Blaginilor)
- Saint George
- Transfer of the relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari
- The Holy equal apostles Constantine and Elena
- Ascension Day of the God Jesus Christ (Ispas)
- Trinity
- Rusaliy
- St. John The Baptist (Synsyene)
- The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
- Ana-foka
- Kirike Shkopul
- The Holy prophet Ilya
- «Ilie Pelie» and Focka
- The Holy Panthelemon
- Makovey Day
- The Transfiguration Of The Lord
- Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin
- The beheading of the Prophet John the forerunner
- St. Simeon The Stylite
- Miracle Of The Archangel Michael
- Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin
- Exaltation of the Venerable and life-creating cross of the Lord
- Protection Of The Blessed Virgin
- Saint Paraskeva Friday
- The Great Martyr Dmitry (Simedru)
- Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel
- Introduction to the temple of the MostHoly mother of God
- St. Andrew
- The Great Martyress Barbara
- Saint Sava
- The Holy Hierarch Nikolai
- Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Anne
- Saint Spyridon The Wonderworker
- Temple Feast Day
- Sfîntul Ignatie
- Sfinţii Cosma şi Damian, doctori fără de arginți din Roma
- Sfinții „doctori fără de arginți” Cosma și Damian din Asia
- Family holidays
- Competitions, festivals, projects
Magical practices and folk beliefs
- Tradițiile lunii aprilie
- Tradițiile lunii mai
- Tradițiile lunii iunie
- Ielele
- Tradiții de Sînpetru
- Păzitul Usturoiului
- Filipii de iarnă
- Martisor
- Strigoi, vîrcolaci, moroi şi pricolici
- Ovidenia
- Spolocania
- Paparudele
- Ouăle roșii
- Drăgaica
- Tradiții și superstiții pe 11 septembrie, la Tăierea Capului Sfîntului Ioan Botezătorul
- Sfînta Maria Mică, tradiții, superstiții și obiceiuri. Ce ai voie și ce nu ai voie să faci
- The days of Baba Dokiya
- Caloianul
Development strategy
- Development strategy of Moldova until 2025
Development of Moldova and reform of power
- Optimization of state political governance
- Responsibility of ruling elite for quality of state political governance
- Opposition to public power abuse
- Ensuring cooperation of social and political forces and consolidation of society
- Improvement of state and political system
- Ideology of political parties and political culture
- Opposition as a subject of democratic and political process
- The strategy for elevating the effectiveness of state foreign policy
- Optimization of national security strategy
- The strategy for the development of a state of justice
- The strategy of formation of a mature civil society
- The strategy for improving the local self governance
- Culture, science and education development strategy
The strategy for the restoration of territorial integrity of Moldova
- Origins and evolution of the Transnistrian conflict
- Territorial integrity of States in international legal and geopolitical dimensions
- The Transdniestrian conflict: the characteristic and classification
- System analysis of international conflicts
- Long-term interests and policy of Russia in context of Transdniestrian conflict
- Policy of the European Union, the United States and the OSCE in the process of attempted settlement of the Transnistrian conflict
- Interests of Ukraine in Transnistria
- Position of Romania on restoration of territorial integrity of Moldova
- Main issues hindering the conflict settlement
- Strategy of the Transnistrian conflict settlement : basic principles
- Tactics in the Transnistrian conflict settlement
Economic development and social policy optimization strategy
- What each politician should know
- Definition of priorities of development
- Key challenges and priorities
- Measures for internal market development
- Development of priority industries and territories
- Habitat restoration
- Reform of financing the economy
- Reform of the trade
- Dezvoltarea turismului și infrastructurii transportului. Turismul
- Traditional food
- Cooking recipes
- Holiday dishes
- Monastic recipes
- Lenten dishes
- Home canning
- Culinary secrets
- Restaurante și magazine moldovenești în străinătate
Nature and tourism
- Geographical zones of Moldova
- Nature reserves
- Water resources
- Plant and animal world of Moldova
- Natural monuments
Tourism in Moldova
- Advices for tourists
- Tourist routes
Tourist pearls of Moldova
- Old Orhei
- Saharna, Rezina
- Tsipova
- The Soroca fortress and the Coasuti village
- Village Ckitskan, Ckaushanskiy district
- Four monasteries in Kodry. Kalarashskiy district
- Cathedral in Drokiy
- The Rud-Arionesht natural complex
- Four monasteries near Chisinau– Surutchen, Kondritsa, Kepriana, Hinku
- Kurki and Hirova – two monasteries in Kodry. Orhei
- Kalarashovka -Ungur, Oknitsa
- Dobrusha – Kuhuresht – Jupka
- Dniester’s pearl Bender and its attractions
- Minunile Naslavcei
- Monasteries of Moldova
- The monasteries of the historical background of Moldova
- Meeting on the way - people and things they do
- Holidays, festivals, exhibitions, presentations
- Cities and villages of Moldova and Diasporas
- Children
- Library
- Moldography
- About project
- Our answer to www.timpul.md
- Moldovan reality
- Celebrities
- Kaleidoscope
- Sport
- Health
- Humor
Calendar of events
Noutăți în bibliotecă
News feed
- 29 octombrie - Calendarul celor mai importante evenimente din trecut și prezent
- MELODIA ZILEI: Akord - Mă doare
- Anunt imporntant pentru cetatenii R. Moldova din Israel legat de permisele de co…
- Moldografia: Scuarul de pe strada Miron Costin, Chișinău
- Victoria moldovenilor în bătălia de la Lenţeşti
- La Muzeul din Soroca, a fost organizată o expoziție de prosoape țesute
- 10 cuvinte ce atrag succesul
- Ian Lisnevschi: „Cetățenii Moldovei se tem și nu au neîncredere în procesele pol…
- Ce spune ziua de naştere despre comportament şi personalitate
- REŢETA ZILEI: Carne de oaie haiducească
- Care este diferența dintre tradițiile de nuntă din Moldova, Rusia și România
- Durata somnului necesar depinde de vîrstă
- Valeriu Ostalep: „Moldova poate construi relații sănătoase cu Ucraina, România,…
- Care sunt cele mai ghinioniste zodii
- Artefacte în Butuceni: Regiunea noastră este o încrengătură de culturi a diferit…
- Fasolea și lintea îmbunătățesc sănătatea
- Mănăstirea Bogdana – prima necropolă a domnilor Moldovei
- 30 octombrie - Calendarul celor mai importante evenimente din trecut și prezent
- MELODIA ZILEI: Jorge feat. Pavel Stratan - Geamantan
- Andrei Țăranu: „România trebuie să își recunoască greșelile în Republica Moldova…