27 october 2010, 11:20 views 345742

Moldavian Music

The Moldavian music reflects the diversity of the nation as well as the soul of every Moldavian. Music tells us about the musical depth and temperament of the people, their tribute to the forefathers and freedom of musical thought. Music is mother’s lullaby as well as famous single, which can become known in a few days. The Moldavian musical culture is what we have in common with the neighboring countries, in spite of national and religious differences.

Taking shape over the centuries, experiencing the influence of art of neighboring countries, the musical culture of Moldova was eventually formed into the unique phenomenon. Folk music plays a critical part here. The first samples of folk music are work and ceremonial songs: carols, drinking songs, wedding laments, funeral laments. The Moldavian folk music has also such forms as “bochet” (lament) and urban romance. Folk art is presented by unique instrumental melodies.

In general, folk music for Moldova is the same as the literature of the XIX century for Russia, and classical music or philosophy for Germany. The Moldavian folk music is polyphonic and complex.

The process of formation of the Moldavian musical culture, which takes its roots in the culture of ancient Thrace, was affected by more than 200-year-old political dependence on Turkey. The Moldavian folklore was also influenced by the culture of the ancient Slavs. Besides, the influence of the Hungarians and Romanians played a critical part in the development of musical culture. However, the Moldavian culture has formed into a coherent and unique phenomenon, with its distinct characteristics. It managed to combine organically different, sometimes conflicting influences, relying on the powerful cultural foundation of the ancestors.

The oeuvre of classical music composers takes special place in the process of the development of the Moldavian musical culture. Many streets and schools in the country are named after Gabriel Muzichesku, Ciprian Porumbescu, Eugene Kok, Stephen Nyaga. The oeuvre of these composers is being studied at schools and universities. These composers glorified the Republic of Moldova in the world. They managed to cover most genres and styles of classical music.

Despite the fact that the Moldavian music has deep national traditions, the modern music styles such as jazz, rock, electronic music becomes more popular recently.

It is impossible to ignore the art of film music, especially the works of Eugen Doga. He wrote music for more than 200 films, among them the “Jamila”, “Lautars”, “Gypsies Go to Heaven”, “My Sweet and Tender Beast” etc. These tunes are known around the world.

There are dozens of ethnic and cultural associations in Moldova. Such national minorities, as the Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians, Gagauzes, Jews, Poles, Germans, Romani peoples, Italians and others have their cultural associations and foundations. The principle of equality and universality of cultural legislation is observed in Moldova, so that ethnic minorities have the opportunity to develop their traditional culture and folklore. On our website there are samples of music of the ethnic minorities living in the territory of Moldova.

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  • | Moldavian music

În contextul lansării programului ”Satul European”, ce probleme vitale există în localitatea dumneavoastră?

Settlements of Moldova
Prima atestare:
327 locuitori

Curtoaia este un sat din cadrul comunei Condrăteşti, raionul Ungheni. Localitatea se află la distanța de 50 km de orașul Ungheni și la 100 km de Chișinău. Conform datelor recensămîntului din anul 2004, populaţia satului constituia 327 de oameni. Satul Curtoaia a fost menționat documentar în anul 1822.

Electronic library of www.moldovenii.md contains books, documents, audio and video materials about the Moldavian history, culture and civilization from the ancient time to nowadays.