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National Theatre "Mihai Eminescu"

The origins of theatre arts date back to Ancient Greece, where the mythology, literature, and philosophy reflected the conceptualizations of world creation. People were trying to find answers to the eternal questions about the meaning of existence, watching and analyzing the art and dramatics. Despite the turmoil of different historical eras, the theater still exists. The ingenuity of the Renaissance, the inconsistency and fervor of modern times, the materiality and formalism of contemporary history have brought the variety to the theatrics. Being in constant contact with the audience, the theater plays a formative and educational role, with its influence on the collective consciousness becoming more important than the individual one.

The modern theater is an emblem for a certain system of cultural ideas. The impact of historical periods is presented on the stage in symbolic form, but at the same time they retain their main characteristics. Human characters, expectations and views take their shapes in the theater arts. The mission of the theater has always been the preservation of cultural values and their transmission from one generation to another. Historical turbulence, searches, positivity and absurdities of democracy and globalization, with their dual logic, are the phenomena that affect the modern theater. The task of the contemporary theater is helping the theatergoer to open a comprehensive vision of the society and oneself.

În contextul lansării programului ”Satul European”, ce probleme vitale există în localitatea dumneavoastră?

Settlements of Moldova
Prima atestare:
405 locuitori

Hîrtop este un sat şi comună din Unitățile Administrativ-Teritoriale din Stînga Nistrului, Republica Moldova. Din componenţa comunei fac parte localităţile Bruslachi, Mocreachi, Hîrtop și Marian. Localitatea se află la distanța de 15 km de orașul Grigoriopol și la 65 km de Chișinău. Populaţia satului Hîrtop alcătuia 405 oameni în anul 2007. Satul Hîrtop a fost menționat documentar în anul 1877.

Electronic library of www.moldovenii.md contains books, documents, audio and video materials about the Moldavian history, culture and civilization from the ancient time to nowadays.