National Costume as Cultural Heritage Value
The traditional Moldavian costume is the evidence of high needlewomen skill, a sample of beauty that can tell us about ancient traditions. The Moldavian costume is a testimony of the creation process of folk arts.
In the past, during the process of costume decoration it was prohibited to copy patterns and deviate from the national traditions. Each girl had to create her unique festive costume with a glance to local traditions, demonstrating her aesthetic taste. The attire accorded with the character, age and social status of its owner, it harmonized with the appearance of the owner, the color of his/her eyes and hair.
The clothing was the unique and distinct cultural value. In the past, it was impossible to find two identical female costumes; they had different patterns, colors, proportions. The same principle masters (they were mothers, grandmothers, or brides) held when sewing men's shirts.
For centuries, traditional clothing was made of homespun blades, which in turn were made of wool, hemp, linen, cotton, silk (boranzhik) strands that were also produced at home.
Folk costumes differed depending on the social, climatic and demographic factors. In the fall fairs, during winter calendar holidays, in rural choirs, and during Easter season functional peculiarities of the suit could be observed.
În contextul lansării programului ”Satul European”, ce probleme vitale există în localitatea dumneavoastră?
- Statut:
- Municipiu
- Prima atestare:
- 4 octombrie 1408
- Suprafaţa:
- 97,7
Бенде́ры [бендэры] (молд. Bender [бендер], укр. Бендери [бэндэры]; от перс. гавань, пристань) — город в Приднестровской Молдавской Республике (Молдавия), главный порт на реке Днестр, крупнейший железнодорожный узел Приднестровской железной дороги. В Молдавии и Румынии иногда используется старое название города — Тигина (Tighina).
Центр города в основном составляют здания конца XIX — начала XX века, на окраинах расположены современные 5-, 9-этажные и самые высокие — 14-16-этажные жилые комплексы. В городе много исторических и архитектурных памятников.